About Early Vote Action

Electing Republicans by Registering Republicans.

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Early Vote Action (EVA) was founded by Scott Presler in January of 2023 with a strict purpose – register Republican voters and get them committed to vote early, absentee, by mail, or on Election Day – by any means necessary!

The Early Vote Action network is a nationwide group of grassroots activists who dedicate their time, resources, and hard work to achieving this goal in the key swing states of Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

With the help of Early Vote Action’s dedicated volunteers, we have contacted hundreds of thousands of voters since the inception of our organization. Our network, which spans the entire 50 United States and many U.S. territories, is laser focused on winning in these critical battleground states. 

Using proven methods of voter contact – handwritten postcards & letters, text messages, phone calls, and, of course, boots on the ground – the EVA network has dramatically shifted voter registration totals in counties across America in favor of Republicans.

Our grassroots network has proven time and time again that, no matter where they live in these great United States, any motivated conservative American can join the fight to save our country.

America is at a crossroads and it’s time for the Patriots of our nation to stand together and defend the values that make our country the greatest on earth. 

Now is the time for action.